Sunday 10 February 2008

PostcodeDecodeEncode brief

Hi Adam,hope u r okay.Well,as to the postcode brief,this is what i have done.Let me know if u agree with this model.Thanks a lot.

Saturday 2 February 2008

Carousel Storybook,"MR MESSY LOST HIS HAT"

My carousel storybook for the popup and cutout storybook brief.

Hi Adam,Hope u r okay.Well,as to the Postcode brief i have got this idea.But i don't know if it works or not.The idea is to show good wishes from Moor Street Station.I am thinking to make my postcard large(the one that i gave u on Friday) in a kind of box as u can see from my pictures that i attach.From the front u will see the bon voyage font with the city.And i will make the different train lines as if they are coming out of the city to different destinations.And each train lines to be rreplace with different city(like London,Wolverhapton,...).

From behind u will see different images and the typography "have a safe journey".This is not my final idea.I will develope it further more.This is just to show u whether it works or not.Any way,we will talk about it in the class.Take care and will see u soon